Corporate Responsibility


At PharmaUnion we believe that responsible business results are better business results. Therefore, we strive to deliver high performance achieved by high standards of integrity and ethical decision making embedded throughout our operations.


Expanding access to healthcare is a global challenge that PharmaUnion shares with governments, international organisations such as the World Health Organisation (WHO) and non-governmental agencies. Barriers to its access can only be overcome by coordinated action taken by every one of us and by working together for our shared goal. We strive to make our products and services more available by expanding to other areas and markets, targeting new partners in order to offer our services and improve the lives of an increasing number of people.


As a medicine wholesale dealer licence holder, Good Distribution Practice (GDP) requires for us that medicines are obtained from the licensed supply chain and are consistently stored, transported and handled under suitable conditions, as required by the Hungarian National Institute of Pharmacy and Nutrition (OGYÉI), the European Medicines Agency (EMA) or product specification.


We try to live up to our responsibility to protect life within our communities by limiting our carbon footprint and other environmentally harmful activities to the minimum. We are also committed to raise awareness of the significance of our environment’s health and to lead our local communities toward preserving the environment as a shared purpose of our society.


Licenced wholesale of human and veterinary medicines.
All Medical Supplies to Professional Trade Only.

We offer our customers a number of ways to order from PharmaUnion Trade Ltd. Just pick the method that is the most convenient to you


We provide medical products for human use that are available in Hungary. On demand, we also provide the products from the European Union by our advanced logistic system and extensive relations.


We are highly aware of the significance of preventing and curing diseases, therefore we are extremely conscious about the provision of our vaccines. One of our main objectives is to rapidly satisfy the needs of our partners…

Animal health

We believe that maintaining our health and improving our quality of life is impossible without the appropriate healthcare of animals, talking about both pets and farm animals.

You have more than


products to choose from.

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