Code of conduct

In short, everything we care about is:


In other words, the values and motives that underpin our business practices at PharmaUnion are;

Responsibility, Empathy, Sustainability, Passion, Excellence, Caring and Trust.


Personal responsibility. We are accountable for the actions we take and the decisions we make.


We take the time to understand and acknowledge our partners’ and others’ points of view.


Our goal is to manage and coordinate our environmental, social and financial demands and concerns to ensure responsible, ethical and ongoing success. These are our three pillars of sustainability.


We believe that success in business and in work is primarily the result of our hard working and passion. Our hard work makes us persistent and our passion gives us motivation to develop and step always forward.


We strive to succeed in all aspects of our lives, especially at work.


We value ourselves and other people. We believe that care is the most essential ingredient of business and marketing. Care creates empathy that allows us to do business with our hearts and not just our head for the benefit of others as well as ourselves.


Our most precious value in business is confidence and trust. We are committed to set an example by our own behaviour and in doing so we create our working environment favourable to our employees and partners based on trust.

“The best way to learn if you
can trust somebody is to trust them.”

(Ernest Hemingway)

As the implication of these values, caring of our partners is our first concern, and treating them as individuals with empathy and passion. We are committed to excellence in how we provide service and strive to build a trustworthy manner of communication between our customers and our people.

While doing so, we raise awareness of the health of our environment and do a responsible and sustainable business both in terms of our nature and our continuous development.

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